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Monday, August 18, 2014

Houdini Toddler Sneaks Into White House And Causes Brief Security Lockdown

The pint-sized trespasser popped through the fence into the closely guarded White House lawns

Twenty-four hours a day, throngs of Secret Service agents are on watch for suspicious packages or anyone who might be looking to break into the grounds with ill-intent.

But it was an intruder of the pint-sized variety who was keeping agents on their toes at the White House last night. 

US Secret Service agents leapt into action after a 'screaming' 18-month-old boy managed to give his parents the slip and squeezed himself throughout the White House perimeter fence. 

He caused quite the stir as reporters waited eagerly for a statement on the deteriorating situation in Iraq by President Barack Obama. 

The building was put under temporary lockdown - with the press, Americans and their president all kept waiting.

The tiny trespasser was quickly apprehended by security workers and returned to his parents.

A member of the Secret Service looks out the West Wing door after toddler squeezed through WH gate. []

— Doug Mills (@dougmillsnyt) August 8, 2014
We were going to wait until he learned to talk to question him, but in lieu of that he got a timeout and returned to his parents

Edwin Donovan, Secret Service spokesperson
US Secret Service then quickly decided that questioning the young encroacher was not really an option.

Secret Service spokesperson Edwin Donovan said: "We were going to wait until he learned to talk to question him, but in lieu of that he got a timeout and returned to his parents".

The infantile incident comes just months after Michel Bechard stripped and scrapped with security agents in front of the White House – all while repeatedly assuring anybody within earshot that he definitely had an important meeting booked with Barack Obama.

The nudist fought the guards assigned to 1600 Pennsylanvia Avenue before being taken to hospital to treat a few minor wounds sustained in the tussle.

Infamous gate-crasher Michaele Salahi shakes hands with US President Barack Obama

But the worst breach of White House security dated back to 2009, when Virginia couple Michaele and Tareq Salahi and Carlos Allen attended a White House state dinner in honour of Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh with no invitations.

Both parties – who claim that they did not collude in their gate-crashing efforts – managed to pass through two security checkpoints, with at least one requiring photo ID, to meet President Barack Obama.

CCTV cameras filmed the Virginia couple being questioned at the gate by a person with a clipboard. But when the names could not be verified on the guest list, the clipboard-holder waves them through to proceed to the next security check.

In comparison, dealing with today's pint-sized trespasser was mere child's play.

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