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Saturday, December 14, 2013

Award Winning Madam Juliana Odey a.ka "Mama Cassava" Dies



We are sad to announce the death of our Amazon and Comrade Madam Juliana Odey a.k.a Mama Cassava who drifted away peacefully to Glory on Tuesday, the 10th of December 2013. Through her work, her brilliant mind and her relentless energy she has left the world a better place. She has never flustered in saying LOUD and CLEAR that "Nigeria and indeed the whole of Africa does not need GMOs!" Farmers can feed the world and she is ready to galvanize women in Nigeria to campaign against GMOs.

She was a loving and protective mother and an adoring and adored grandma. She was treasured by all her family, friends, allies and comrades.

She wasn't always the easiest person but her breadth and depth of personality meant that we all remained gladly in her wake.

Mama Cassava will be greatly missed.

Her funeral arrangements will be announced by her family soon.


Citation Madam Juliana Ifo Odey: Recipient of the Comrade Che Ibegwura Award 2010


Madam Julina Odey, also known as Mama Cassava, was born on the 16th of July 1941, she hails from Bekwara in Cross- River State. She has grown cassava for more than a decade.

She was the Coordinator time Cross River State Coordinator of the Cassava Growers Association of Nigeria and presently in the board of the organisation.

She started her working life as a consultant on agriculture/food processor and a trainer in 1990.


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