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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Woman Goes Into Labour In Her Sleep, Wakes Up To See Baby's Head Hanging Out


A new father was forced to deliver his baby son at home when his partner woke to discover she had gone into labour in her sleep.

Sarah Pearson woke at the couple's home in Barnsley on October 13, telling partner Graeme Smith she "felt something weird". But by the time the 25-year-old realised what was happening baby Charlie was ready to make his appearance in the world.

The couple had visited Barnsley Hospital just hours earlier when Sarah's waters broke. But midwives, having checked her over, told them to return in 24 hours.

In anticipation of the arrival of their firstborn, the couple headed home to get some sleep.


But their nap was cut short when Sarah, an art student, woke to find she was already in labour and her baby's head was crowning.

Checking to see what the 'wierd feeling' Sarah was experiencing was, Mr. Smith, 22, discovered he could see his son's head.

The DJ said: "We had a couple of hours sleep and then Sarah woke me saying 'what's that? It feels weird' and when I looked there was a head sticking out."

"I phoned the midwife who told us to ring for an ambulance and while we were waiting a woman on the phone was talking me through everything, what to do and to get towels and things."

"She was saying 'are you sure it's a head?'. I said 'yes I'm sure, it's got hair on it'."

"We kept wondering where the ambulance was and the woman on the phone said we had plenty of time and they would be here soon. The next thing we knew Charlie was out."

When paramedics arrived, they found little Charlie, who weighed 6lbs 15oz, curled up in his mother's arms.

Mr. Smith praised Miss Pearson for her bravery in giving birth without any pain relief. He said that despite his initial fears, the birth which took about half-an-hour, went well.

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